
What Size Hail Will Cause Roof Damage?

Hail on a residential roof system.

Understanding Hail and Its Impact

Hail can cause significant damage to roofs, leading to costly repairs and even the need for a complete roof replacement. Understanding the size of hail that can damage your roof is crucial for homeowners and property managers to take preventative measures and act quickly after a storm.

Hail Size Categories

Hailstones come in various sizes, each with the potential to cause different levels of damage. Here are common hail sizes and their typical impact on roofs:

Pea-Sized Hail (Up to 1/4 Inch)

Pea-sized hail is the smallest category and generally does not cause significant damage to roofs. However, it can contribute to wear and tear over time, especially if the roof is already aged or in poor condition.

Marble-Sized Hail (1/2 Inch)

Marble-sized hail can cause minor damage, such as small dents or chips in roofing materials. While this size of hail may not lead to immediate problems, repeated exposure can degrade the roof’s integrity over time.

Dime to Nickel-Sized Hail (5/8 to 3/4 Inch)

Hailstones in this range can begin to cause noticeable damage to roofing materials, including bruising of shingles, cracks, and granule loss. This size is significant enough to warrant a roof inspection after a storm.

Quarter-Sized Hail (1 Inch)

Quarter-sized hail is the threshold where noticeable damage typically starts. It can cause dents in metal roofing, cracks in shingles, and significant granule loss, which can compromise the roof’s protective qualities.

Golf Ball-Sized Hail (1.75 Inches)

Golf ball-sized hail can cause substantial damage, including punctures in shingles, cracks in tiles, and dents in metal roofs. Roofs exposed to hail of this size often require professional repair and assessment.

Larger Hail (2 Inches and Above)

Hailstones larger than 2 inches can cause severe damage to all types of roofing materials. They can puncture roofs, shatter tiles, and cause severe dents in metal roofing. Immediate inspection and repair are crucial to prevent further damage.

Factors Influencing Hail Damage

While hail size is a significant factor, other elements can influence the extent of roof damage:

Roof Material

Different roofing materials respond differently to hail. For example, metal roofs might dent but not crack, while asphalt shingles can crack and lose granules. Knowing your roof material’s susceptibility helps in assessing potential damage.

Roof Age

Older roofs are more prone to hail damage. As roofing materials age, they become more brittle and less able to withstand impact. Regular maintenance and timely replacement can mitigate this risk.

Wind Speed

High wind speeds during a hailstorm can increase the impact force of hailstones, leading to more severe damage. Wind-driven hail can strike at angles, causing unexpected areas of the roof to be affected.

Inspecting for Hail Damage

After a hailstorm, inspecting your roof is crucial to identify and address damage promptly. Look for visible signs such as dents, cracks, and granule loss. It’s often best to hire a professional roofing contractor to conduct a thorough inspection and provide an accurate assessment.

Preventative Measures

While you cannot control the weather, there are steps you can take to protect your roof from hail damage:

Impact-Resistant Roofing Materials

Consider using impact-resistant roofing materials that are designed to withstand hail impact. These materials can offer additional protection and potentially lower insurance premiums.

Regular Maintenance

Regular roof maintenance, including inspections and repairs, can keep your roof in good condition and better able to withstand hailstorms. Addressing small issues before they become big problems is key to extending your roof’s lifespan.

Seasonal Roof Checks

Conduct seasonal roof checks, especially before and after storm seasons. Clear debris, check for loose shingles, and ensure gutters are clean to prevent water buildup that can weaken the roof structure.

Trimming Surrounding Trees

Trimming trees near your home can prevent branches from breaking off during a hailstorm and causing additional damage to your roof. This proactive step can minimize the risk of impact from falling debris.

Reinforcing Roof Structures

For homes in hail-prone areas, reinforcing roof structures can add an extra layer of protection. Consult with a roofing professional about possible upgrades like roof coatings or additional support for vulnerable areas.

Conclusion: Be Prepared and Proactive

Understanding what size hail can cause roof damage helps homeowners and property managers take proactive steps to protect their properties. By knowing the potential impact of different hail sizes, conducting regular roof maintenance, and using durable materials, you can minimize the risk of damage and ensure your roof provides lasting protection. If your area experiences a hailstorm, don’t wait—schedule an inspection with a professional roofing company to safeguard your home.

Right now is the best time to give us a call if you are experiencing storm damage on your roof system. Call us today at 816-896-4195 if you need roof hail damage repair in Grain Valley and Kansas City, MO.

What is the Life Expectancy of a Single Ply Roof?

worker rolling out single-ply roofing

What is the Life Expectancy of a Single Ply Roof?

Tornados and other intense weather conditions are common in this area. This leaves commercial and industrial structures subjected to hard rains, hailstones, and high winds, which damage their rooftops. These are common reasons structures often need single-ply roof repair in Grain Valley, Missouri, or even complete roof replacement. So, how long can you generally expect a single-ply roof to last, even when subjected to poor weather conditions?

What is single-ply roofing? 

Most commercial and industrial structures have low-sloping roofs, and single-ply roofing is the type of roofing material best suited for these roofs. A single-ply roofing material comes in rolls of wide widths rolled out on the job site. The wide widths leave fewer seams, which leaves fewer chances for leaking roofs and less need for single-ply roof repairs. 

Can you stand or walk on a single-ply roof?

Because most commercial and industrial structures have their HVAC equipment installed on the roof, choosing a roofing material that can withstand foot traffic is essential. A single-ply roof material installed correctly and maintained well can hold up to occasional, light foot traffic. 

Have the roofing contractor install a walkway to and around the HVAC equipment to help ease the pressure of that foot traffic. Advise the HVAC technician of the roofing material type and advise them to wear proper footwear to minimize slipping if the rooftop is wet. 

What is the most common problem associated with a single-ply membrane roof?

While a single-ply roof is a waterproof, durable, and flexible membrane, it does have some downsides:

  • Failed Seams: Over time, a single-ply roof membrane will become brittle, lose its elasticity, and shrink, putting the membrane under stress and causing the seams to fail in their waterproofing duties. If a roofer doesn’t install a single-ply roof correctly, seam failure can occur, so it’s vital to use a commercial roofing contractor with experience in single-ply roof installation, repair, and maintenance services. 
  • Failed Attachment: The weather can damage any kind of roofing, including single-ply roofs. You may require repairs because of hailstones, hard rains, and high winds. The wind can lift the membrane of a single-ply roof where the attachment is weak, making the roof vulnerable to rain. When the affected area isn’t too large, a roofing contractor can perform a single-ply roof repair with metal plates and screws to reattach the membrane to the decking.  
  • Blistering: A single-ply roof repair is often needed for blistering caused by a loss of adhesion between the roof membrane and the underlying roofing material. This blistering happens when moisture becomes trapped under the roof surface. The larger the blisters, the more moisture is collected, leaving the roof vulnerable to leaks. Routine inspections are important to find small blisters and have single-ply roof repairs done sooner rather than later. 

What can happen if you delay single-ply roof repairs?

When you schedule a monthly roof inspection, you can identify problems such as blistering, punctures, tears, or seams breaking loose. Ensure you get any necessary single-ply roof repairs when you identify these kinds of issues, and call a professional commercial roofing contractor for the help you need. Also, remember that it takes the right material for single-ply roof repairs to ensure a long-lasting repair and to prevent further deterioration. When you delay seeking professional single-ply roof repairs, damage can occur from moisture intrusion.

Who do you call, and how are single-ply roof repairs done?

If the warranty on the single-ply roofing system is still current, call the installation contractor for the single-ply roof repair job. If the warranty has expired and you didn’t take the service contract, find a commercial roofing contractor who is experienced in single-ply roofing and is certified and licensed by the roofing material manufacturer. 

The following is a step-by-step single-ply roof repair process. The method a contractor deems best may vary. 

Step One:  The contractor will do a visual inspection to locate and identify the issue needing single-ply roof repair.

Step Two: The roofing contractor’s crew will set up their safety equipment and unload the equipment and materials needed for a single-ply roof repair.

Step Three:  The crew will then prep the area of the single-ply roof repair by cleaning it, making any minor repairs to the structure under the roofing membrane if needed, and preparing the area to be patched.

Step Four: Next, the crew will apply the single-ply roof repair patch using the material and process based on the type of existing roofing membrane. For a PVC or TPO roof, the crew will heat-weld a new membrane patch. The contractor may apply a primer and peel-and-stick tape for some EPDM or thermoset single-ply roof repairs.

In Closing

Reading this blog about single-ply roof repairs may make you wonder if a single-ply roof is the correct type of roofing material for your needs. What is the life expectancy of a single-ply roof? It is a durable and flexible material that can serve your commercial or industrial building for up to 40 years. Manufacturers make and test single-ply materials to meet industry standards and to earn BBA certification. When you get this kind of roof, remember to get a regular inspection from a professional commercial roofing contractor and keep up with your repairs. By doing so, you can ensure that it will last for decades.

Green Roofing Solutions: Eco-Friendly Options for Sustainable Homes

Protect Your Home While Protecting the Planet

Planet Earth is in crisis, and it’s up to us to make the change. Green roofing solutions offer environmentally friendly options for homeowners seeking to reduce their ecological footprint and create more sustainable living spaces. From solar to recycled roofing, there are roofs that can protect the environment while protecting your home.

Vegetative roofs (sometimes called “green roofs”) involve the installation of a living, planted layer on top of a building’s roof structure. These roofs tend to consist of a waterproofing membrane, a drainage layer, a growing medium (such as soil), and a variety of vegetation, including grasses, sedums, herbs, and other low-maintenance plants.

Green roofs provide numerous environmental benefits, including improved stormwater management, reduced urban heat island effect, enhanced air quality, and increased biodiversity. They also help insulate buildings, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling. Although green roofs require specialized design and installation to ensure proper waterproofing, drainage, and plant selection, they can significantly contribute to a building’s sustainability and aesthetic appeal.

Cool roofs are designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than traditional roofing materials, helping reduce energy consumption for cooling and mitigating the urban heat island effect. Cool roofing materials come in a range of options, including reflective coatings, tiles, shingles, and membranes, which come in light colors or with reflective properties to minimize heat absorption.

By minimizing heat gain, cool roofs can improve indoor comfort, extend the lifespan of roofing materials, and lower energy costs for air conditioning.

Eco-Friendly Roofing Options in Grain Valley and Kansas City MO

Using recycled and sustainable roofing materials is another eco-friendly option for green roofing. Materials like recycled metal, reclaimed wood, and recycled rubber shingles offer durability, energy efficiency, and reduced environmental impact compared to conventional roofing materials.

Sustainable roofing materials include options like clay or concrete tiles, which have a long lifespan and are manufactured using natural, renewable resources.

 Solar roofing systems integrate photovoltaic (PV) panels directly into the roof structure, allowing homeowners to generate clean, renewable energy while protecting from the elements.

Solar roofing offers the dual benefit of producing electricity on-site and reducing reliance on fossil fuels, helping combat climate change and lower utility bills over time. Although upfront costs may be higher than traditional roofing materials, solar roofing systems can provide long-term savings through energy generation and potential incentives or rebates for renewable energy investments.

By exploring these green roofing solutions, homeowners can reduce their environmental impact, improve energy efficiency, and create healthier, more sustainable living environments. Consulting with roofing professionals and sustainability experts can help identify the most suitable options based on budget, climate, building design, and environmental goals. United Roofing Services is proud to be a leading roofer in Grain Valley and Kansas City, MO, and we’re here to help you on your journey to a more environmentally friendly roof. Call us at 816-896-4195 to get started.

Signs Your Gutter Needs to be Repaired

Roofer checking gutters

Explaining the Utility of Gutter Installation

The purpose of having gutters on your house isn’t for a ‘finishing touch’ to the exterior, although it does help there! The purpose of gutters is to collect and divert rainwater away from the foundation and landscaping around the house. Gutter repairs make sure the gutters are doing their job in preventing expensive water damage to the home, starting with the foundation, and going upward to the roof. 

What are the most causes leading to gutter repairs? 

When you notice that your gutter system has issues and isn’t diverting and redirecting the water flow, you should address the matter promptly. Delaying gutter cleaning or gutter repairs will quickly lead to other problems along the foundation and for the roof.  The most common issues that lead to gutter repairs are: 

  • Poor Installation Quality – When a gutter system is improperly installed, eventually, you’ll either need gutter repairs or gutter replacement. By the time it gets to gutter replacement, there is a good chance you’ll need foundation work and possibly a new roof. 
  • Clogged Gutters – Gutter cleaning is the last thing anyone wants to do, but when left unaddressed, the debris that builds up inside the gutter runs, making it impossible for rainwater to flow through to the downspouts and be diverted from the foundation. If this continues for too long, you’ll need more than gutter repairs.
  • Insufficient Size – The size of the house is a determining factor in getting the right size of your gutter runs and of the right number of downspouts in the right placement. 
  • Disconnected Joint – The joints where gutter runs are connected are important in keeping a constant flow of rainwater. Keeping the joints connected properly is the best gutter repair you can do yourself.
  • Improper Pitch – Gutters that aren’t at the right pitch will keep the rainwater from flowing away from the roof and foundation. 

What materials and tools are used for gutter repairs? 

If you have metal gutters, repairs can be done with strips of metal flashing, roofing cement, tin snips, and sheet metal screws. The steps taken for gutter repair include: 

  • Thoroughly clean the gutter runs and downspouts.
  • Allow time for the gutters to thoroughly dry.
  • Measure the holes and cut the metal flashing just a bit larger than the hole.
  • Apply roofing cement to the flashing and press it into place.
  • Install a few metal screws into the flashing.
  • Spread roofing cement over the screw head.

When the gutter repair job is complete, the inside of the gutter run should be smooth so there isn’t anything for leaves and debris to get hung on. This is why it is so important to use waterproof roofing cement. 

How often should gutters be inspected for damage? 

You should do a monthly walk-a-round of your home for a visual inspection of the roof and gutter repair needs. After any significant weather event that includes high winds or hailstones, you should have a professional inspection for possible roof and gutter repairs. 

What are the best methods for gutter cleaning?

For the busy homeowner, or for a person that has a fear of heights, calling a professional gutter cleaning company is the best idea. If you’re a DIY homeowner though, some ways to clean your gutters include: 

  • Climb up to the roof on a ladder and while walking along the roof edge with a leaf blower, remove any debris and leaves. 
  • To do this from the ground, there are extension kits for leaf blowers where you can walk along on the ground and blow any debris and leaves out.  The downside to doing it this way is if there are large items blocking the gutter runs, like a baseball or nest, you won’t be able to see that can remove them from the ground. 

How can you tell if you need gutter repairs? 

If you see sagging gutter runs or see holes in the gutter runs, in most cases, gutter repairs are sufficient. When are gutter repairs not sufficient? The 5 most common indications that gutter repairs aren’t enough are: 

  • Cracking

Cracking or splitting of the gutter runs is only going to get bigger, and then rainwater isn’t going to get diverted and redirected. 

  • Peeling Paint

If you see peeling paint on the fascia and siding of the house, you need to replace your gutters. 

  • Orange Flecks

If you have metal gutters, orange flecks in or around the gutters and downspouts are an indication it is time for gutter replacement. 

  • Pooling Water

If your noticing pooling water at the doors or walkways where gutters should be keeping the water redirected, check for possible gutter repairs, but you may need gutter replacement depending on the age of the gutters and the amount of damage. 

  • Sagging

If your gutters have been sagging for a long period of time, attempts at gutter repairs by reattaching the gutters runs aren’t going to be sufficient. After a long time of gutter runs sagging, they have lost their stability and can’t be repaired. 

In Conclusion

Gutter repairs aren’t something you should ignore “until I have time”, they should be addressed immediately. Like a small plumbing leak, gutter damage is only going to spread and get worse, requiring new gutters and maybe new roofing and foundation work. It’s our job to help out when you need gutter repair in Grain Valley and Kansas City, MO. You can access us at 816-896-4195!

When Do You Need Re-Roofing?

close-up of a damaged shingle roof

Keeping Your Roof in Shape

The roof on your home is an important component – nothing you didn’t know already, right? As a homeowner, you also know the roof is one of the most expensive components to maintain or replace on your home. That’s a big part of what makes re-roofing a more popular choice for homeowners in the Kansas City, Missouri area. 

What is re-roofing?

When a homeowner is faced with asphalt roofing issues, there are decisions to be made. The roofing contractor you choose to work with will educate you on the choices you have that are approved by local building codes. Among the choices are: 

  • Reroofing: The re-roofing process is recovering the existing roofing material and replacing any if needed. 
  • Roof Recover: The roof recovering process is when a completely new roof is installed over the existing roof. 
  • Roof Replacement: The roof replacement process starts with all the existing roof material being removed, repairs being made to the substrate if needed, and a completely new roof is installed. 

What would cause you to need re-roofing?

Re-roofing is going to be more than roof repairs, however, it is cheaper than a completely new roof. If the budget isn’t prepared for the cost of a completely new roof, re-roofing is better than ignoring the need for any type of roofing job. 

What are the benefits of re-roofing?

If your roofing contractor has given you the option of re-roofing or roof replacement, here are 6 benefits to consider:

  • Durability 

The more durable your roof is, the stronger it will be against the climate and extreme weather events. Re-roofing will protect your roof and home from water damage and leak, fires, high winds, and more. 

  • Proper Value Increases

Re-roofing will increase the value of your property value up to 60% or more. 

  • Minimize Maintenance & Repairs

Re-roofing will minimize, or even eliminate those constant maintenance issues, like water leaks. Even those minor roof issues that develop into larger problems are eliminated. 

  • Improved Appearance

Re-roofing will give your home a clean, crisp, appearance by giving the curb appeal a boost. 

  • Climate Control 

Re-roofing will improve the energy efficiency in your home, making it more comfortable and keeping the utility expenses down. With most re-roofing jobs, you can choose from different roofing materials, including metal or tile. 

How long does re-roofing take?

Because there won’t be any removal of the existing roof, re-roofing will take approximately half the time that installing a new roof takes. A new roof can take around 8 hours for a 3,000-square-foot home, so a re-roofing job can take 4 to 6 hours.

How often do you need to re-do your roof?

Experts suggest that a completely new roof should be replaced every 20 to 25 years. A re-roofing job can give you another 5 to 10 years before needing to invest in a new roof.

Can I live in my house if it is being re-roofed?

Yes, there is no need to vacate your home while a re-roofing job is being done. It is a loud job with hammering and sawing, so your personal decision may be to leave while the crew is working.

At what point should a roof be replaced?

There are 3 key indicators that will tell you that re-roofing is not an option. You need to replace your roof if any of the following pertain to you: 

  • 20 years old or older 
  • A standard three-tab asphalt shingled roof will last between 20 and 25 years. With accurate and proper ventilation, quality roofing materials, and installation, you could get up to 30 years. 
  • Premature failure  
  • When roofing materials don’t last the length of the warranty, this is a premature failure. That can be caused by poor installation quality and/or inadequate attic ventilation. 
  • Storm Damage
  • If your roof sustains sufficient storm damage, it needs to be completely replaced with new roofing material. 

Should I preemptively replace a roof?

If your 20-year warranty roof is reaching 15-16 years, and you’re able to replace your roof, then it is a smart move to make. Preemptive roof repairs, roof replacement, or re-roofing will save you money, time, and any possible further damage.

How long should a new roof last?

Quality roofing shingles that are professionally installed by an experienced roofing contractor, you should get up to twenty years of useful roofing. You should have it inspected by a roofing contractor once a year after the 10th year. 

man working on a shingle roof

In Conclusion

It is important to keep your roof in good condition, keeping maintenance and repairs done as needed. Between multiple repairs and needing a new roof, re-roofing is a perfect solution that is more budget-friendly than a new roof.

What can I do to make my home more energy efficient?

sun shining down on a standing seam metal roof

Energy-Efficient Metal Roofing

While metal roofing has become more popular among homeowners, there are still those that question that decision. There are concerns about the noise factor, cellular and Wi-Fi interruptions, and if they will attract lightning strikes. One of the biggest concerns for most people is how long will a metal roof last?

When you say metal roofing to a roofing contractor, they’re going to ask which type of metal roofing are you interested in, because there are two different types. The lifespan of each can vary.

Standing Seam Metal Roofing

This type of metal roofing system consists of a series of panels that lock together at the seams. Sometimes they are installed with a mechanically attached at the seams. This method allows the metal panels to contract and expand freely with the temperature. A properly installed stand seam metal roofing with an adequately ventilated attic will give you a minimum of 30 years lifespan, and some have had a lifespan of 50 years or longer under ideal conditions. 

Screw Down Panel Metal Roofing

A screw-down panel metal roofing is one where the fasteners are exposed as they are through the face of the metal. When properly installed, this type of roofing offers 20 years when you don’t practice any maintenance and upkeep. With periodic inspections, maintenance, routine upkeep, you can get a 30-year lifespan from this type of metal roofing.  

With so many concerns about metal roofing, those who don’t know about the benefits of this roofing material may wonder, why choose metal roofing? Other than the fact that it looks great, what is the attraction that is getting more homeowners to go this route over more traditional choices like asphalt shingle roofing? Two words come to mind when the subject of metal roofing comes up: Energy Efficiency. 

When is energy efficiency important?

There are two key reasons why homeowners are concerned with energy efficiency, especially when considering the material for their roofs. Three key features of metal roofing being an energy-efficient material are: 

  • Economics: With improved energy efficiency, your utility bills become lower, easing the strain on the family budget.
  • Environment: Increased energy efficiency lowers greenhouse gas emissions and decreases your water use.
  • Utility Systems: Energy efficiency has long-term benefits as it lowers the demand for electricity, reducing our concerns and needs for investing in new electricity generation and infrastructure.

What does “more energy-efficient” mean?

In simple terms, being more energy-efficient means getting the same results with less energy. Whether it is finding ways to do this physically or as in this case, keeping the conveniences we’ve become accustomed to having but in ways where we can cut our energy bills and reduce pollution. Metal roofing can help you achieve both of these things. 

What are the benefits of energy efficiency?

Regardless of what has motivated you into considering metal roofing and the possibilities of metal roof energy savings, you’ll find other benefits to having metal roofing installed: 

Number 1: Utility Bills are Significantly Reduced

The energy costs of your home are a huge part of your monthly budget. By upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, HVAC systems, and installing metal roofing, you can save up to 30% each month. 

Number 2: A Great ROI 

Energy-efficient purchases, like metal roofing, are investments more than they are expenses. Any investment you can make with your home that offers utility savings is an investment with great ROI that will offset the initial installation cost. And as costs keep going up every year, your metal roofing and other energy-efficient upgrades will keep saving you money. 

Number 3: Property Value Increased

An upgraded, energy-efficient home is a hot commodity in the real estate market today. Each energy-efficient project and upgrade you complete is a bargaining chip that will get you higher offers. Homebuyers are looking for features in a home that are energy efficient because right away, they are buying a valuable equity. 

Number 4: Quality of Life Enhanced

With energy use optimized, you will increase your home’s comfort level along with receiving healthier lifestyle benefits. A home that is drier, warmer, and that has proper ventilation will lower risks of illnesses from mold growth and indoor pollutants are minimized, or even eradicated. 

Number 5: Environment Protection

Energy efficiency reduces your carbon footprint. Currently, homes generate as much as 19% of the greenhouse gas emissions in this country. With energy efficiency measures and upgrades like metal roofing, you’ll reduce your home’s contribution to greenhouse gasses by up to 30%.

Number 6: Cut Your Energy Expenses with Metal Roofing

Energy expenses are usually considered to be a fixed cost, but with upgrades like metal roofing, you can reduce your costs along with other simple energy conservation steps. With additional things like energy-efficient appliances, HVAC systems with a programmable thermostat, advanced power strips, and energy-efficient light bulbs, your energy costs can drop significantly. 

How can energy efficiency be improved?

There are several ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency in addition to the things we’ve discussed like upgrading appliances and metal roofing. Some of the most effective things you can do that aren’t as expensive are: 

  • Inspect, repair, replace, and seal air ductwork.
  • Repair or replace leaking faucets.
  • Insulate the water heater and all piping on exterior walls.
  • Upgrade to a programmable thermostat. 
  • Use cold water for laundry and clothing to dry.
  • Exchange all incandescent light bulbs for CFL or LED.
  • Clean and replace your air filter every 30 days.

What is the best color of metal roof for energy savings?

White is an energy-saving color in clothing because it reflects the sun’s UV rays. The same can be said of metal roofing, but white isn’t always the most architecturally appealing color. Choose a blue, gray, green, or even a silver color will still provide you with the reflective nature of metal roofing. 

worker installing a metal roof

A Final and Most Common Concern

Yes, homeowner’s insurance is always a major concern for any homeowner. So, if you go to the expense of having metal roofing installed, does a metal roof lower your insurance in Texas? You’ll be happy to know that the State of Texas was the first to mandate homeowners a discount for metal roofing because of its hail resistance. Other states have been slow to do the same, but more are finding the benefits of fire and hail resistance that metal roofing can provide. Check with your agent on this topic so you’re informed as you make the decision to go with metal roofing.

How a Roof is Installed

Builder installing roof shingles.

The Basics of Roof Installation

Missouri – The Show Me State. Residents of this state won’t hesitate to show you the beauty of their home state. Many of them can also show you their new roof installation! Now, maybe you don’t see a reason to brag about that, unless of course you’ve experienced this recently. Then you can appreciate the cost of a roof installation, right? 

Cost of Roof Installation

A new roof installation in any state isn’t cheap. While it isn’t necessarily something to “show off”, the cost of one can make you check out having a re-roof job done instead. What is it and is re roofing a good idea? 

Re-roofing is when the roofing contractor installs new shingles over the existing shingles. If your existing roof and the structure below it are in good condition, re-roofing is a great option. An existing roof with more than one layer of shingles already or has any damage to the underlayment and roof structure, re-roofing is not a viable option. 

A re-roofing job is good for an existing roof that is close to the end of its life but still in good condition overall. With some minor issues or small leaks, re-roofing is possible instead of a new roof installation. Not every roof installation company will do a re-roof, instead they prefer the completely new roof installation for quality control. 

What is the difference between a re-roof and a new roof?

Re-roofing refers to when the roofing contractor recovers or replaces an existing roof covering. A new roof installation is a complete roof replacement and is when the roofing contractor tears off all of the existing roof covering, makes any repairs needed to the substrate, then does a completely new roof installation. 

When you’re trying to decide to go with a re-roofing for your existing asphalt shingle roof, or have an all new roof installation done, there are several factors that you and the contractor need to review. Depending on where you live, the local building code may not allow a re-roof job or will limit how many previous roofing layers are allowed. 

Still, there isn’t an easy or universal answer to the question if re-roofing is okay or is an all new roof installation the better choice. For some roofs, tearing off the old shingles may not be necessary, but the roofing contractor won’t do a re-roof for warranty purpose. That is warranty on their work and that some shingle manufacturers do not honor their warranty when it isn’t an all new roof installation. 

Most roofing contractors that provide you with an inspection and estimate of roof installation will also evaluate the possibility of a re-roof if they provide that service. Still, there are basic guidelines that a roofing contractor will follow in determining if an all new roof installation is the better option.

Considerations for a re-roof job include: 

  • If there is only one existing layer of shingles in place
  • If those shingles are lying flat
  • If the roof decking is in good condition

A re-roofing will create a secondary back-up of roof protection with the new shingles. A re-roofing is also cheaper because there isn’t any tear-off and disposal charges of the old shingles. 

Considerations of a new roof installation include: 

  • Local building codes may not allow re-roofing
  • Local business codes may limit the number of roofing layers
  • New roof installation may be needed to allow adequate roof ventilation
  • The roof decking has gaps, is rotted, or warped
  • New roof decking is required by building codes
  • The roof structure is sagging along the ridge or trusses
  • There is structural damage to the structure, or the structure can’t sustain weight of 2nd roofing layer
  • The existing shingles are distorted, lifted, and uneven
  • Shingle manufacturer will void warranty if not a new installation

As a homeowner, you want to also consider the architectural curb appeal of your home with a new roof installation. How well the re-roof or the new roof installation is done will impact this and as the homeowner, you want your home to look its best. 

Is it OK to put new shingles over old?

In some cases yes, but it may not be the best choice. While it will save money from the tear-off and disposal fees, it can affect future insurance claims in addition to the items we’ve discussed already. 

If you decide to place your home for sale, the prospective buyers will have a structural inspection performed. If the inspector can’t see the condition of the roof decking and underlayment due to 2 or more layers of shingles, they won’t pass the house. 

Also, if you have the need to file a roof damage claim later, the adjuster may deny the claim because of multiple roofing layers. Insurance adjusters consider not only the damage you’re claiming, but they are also considering any roof installation issues they find.

Will homeowners’ insurance cover a new roof?

Most homeowners’ insurance policies will provide coverage for roof replacement due to acts of nature or sudden accidental events. However, coverage will be denied if the insurance adjuster finds that the roof needed repair prior to the damage happening. If your roof is 10 years old or older, you won’t get full roof replacement, but a prorated amount.

Worker standing on a roof and installing shingles.

In Conclusion 

To save money, you may wonder “Can I install a roof myself?”, and for a handy DIY homeowner with a few friends and basic tools, the answer is yes. You can install your own roof. There are multiple videos on the internet with simply explained roof installation steps. It can’t be stated enough to take care precautions like firmly placed ladder, protective eyewear and glove, and a safety belt. If you aren’t completely certain you’re up for the job, it’s always best to hire a professional. Reach out to United Roofing Services at 816-896-4195 to learn more about roof installation in Grain Valley and Kansas City, MO.

What do shingles do for a roof?

shingle roofing system

Shingles for your roofing system

We are through the typical spring storms that keep everyone in Tornado Alley on our toes. That doesn’t mean we aren’t going to see more storms through the next few months that can do damage to a home, especially with asphalt shingle roofing. In fact, there is a good chance that many homes in this area of Missouri has shingle roofing damage now and isn’t aware of that damage. 

Shingle roofing is the most common type of roofing on residential homes in the part of the country. It is without saying that if there has been any hailstorms or high winds, there is damaged shingle roofing. So, how do you know when shingles are going bad?

If you’ve been checking your shingle roofing from the exterior to see if it was ready to be replaced, you’ve been looking in the wrong place. With a flashlight in hand, go in the attic and if you see any light coming into your attic from outside, you need a new roof. Or if you see any water stains or streaks on the underside of the decking, wet on the insulation, you have a leaking roof. 

From the exterior, if you notice any of the following things about your shingle roofing, call a professional roofing contractor for an inspection: 

  • Broken, cracked, loose, or missing shingles. These are leaving gaps in the roof, exposing the decking and your home vulnerable to the elements. Any time you have a weather event with hard, high winds, loosened or missing shingles are a possibility. 
  • Curled shingles. As shingle roofing is exposed to the hot sun here in Missouri, they will begin to curl on the corners and edges.  If your attic is poorly ventilated, the extreme heat from the UV rays will become even hotter through the roof, causing the shingle roofing to curl. As these shingles are curled, this makes them more vulnerable to being ripped off from high winds. 
  • Shingle roofing granules are thinning. As a roof ages, the granules on a shingle roofing will erode and wear thin, taking away a layer of protection from your roof. As you clean your gutters and downspouts, if you’re noticing an increase in those granules, or you see dark spots on the existing shingle roofing, call a professional roofing for an inspection. 

When should roof shingles be replaced?

The general recommendation for replacing your asphalt shingle roofing  is between 12 and 15 years.  With a professional bi-annual inspection of your roof, small issues can be discovered and resolve before they become bigger problems, like a roof leak. 

As the homeowner, it is important to do your own visual roof inspection after every weather event or once a month. The professional roof inspection every 6 months  is a backup to catch things you may miss. The suggested time frame of 12 to 15 years can vary based on the climate and weather your roof is exposed. A severe winter and then hot and humid summer can wear out shingle roofing  materials more quicker. 

Is it OK to put shingles on top of shingles?

There are few factors that can determine if installing new asphalt shingle roofing over an existing roofing material is acceptable. Yes, the roofing contractor not removing the old shingles, the tear off procedure, is a money and time saver, but is it in the best interest for your home? Things that need to be considered: 

1). If your home is within a POA division, or the city where you live, may have ordinance against reroofing over an existing roof. 

2). The structure of your home and the roof may not withstand the extra weight off asphalt shingle roofing  material. 

3). Your homeowner’s insurance may not cover any future shingle roofing  claims when the adjuster discovers the original roofing is still in place. 

4). Some roofing contractor won’t install new shingle roofing  material over an existing roof. 

How long do shingles last on your roof?

It is reasonable to expect when you buy a high quality shingle roofing  product and pay a professional that knows how to put shingle roofing on, that you will get the lifespan the shingle manufacturer stated. While those are 2 important factors in getting a roof that lasts, there are 5 other factors that can affect your roof’s lifespan: 

  • Attic Ventilation – If your home has inadequate attic ventilation, there is going to be cold and hot air trapped in the attic that will shorten any quality level of asphalt shingle roofing  material lifespan. As the top of the roof heats up in the summer, the trapped heat in attic will bake the shingles if the attic can’t breathe. 
  • Roofing Contractor – As we mentioned already, you need to hire a roofing contractor that is local and has a reputable history. Ask for credentials, insurance, and recent references in your area. 
  • The Weather – No matter where you live, the weather there will have an effect on the your shingle roofing . The weather is the enemy of any roof, and extreme weather can wear a roof out faster. From a hot summer sun to hailstones of the spring to the ice and snow in winter, the weather is brutal on a roof. 
  • Roof Direction – The direction your home faces has an impact on your shingle roofing . The more direct sun, the shorter life your roof will have. A roof that faces east to west will get more balance sunlight. 
  • Roof Maintenance – Keeping your  shingle roofing  clean is important in how long your roof will last. Any debris left sitting on an asphalt shingle roofing will rot the shingles through to the decking.  Professional roof cleaning at least once a year is recommended, twice a year if you have a lot of trees around your home. 
shingle roof system

How long does a 30 year roof really last?

Well, it won’t be 30 years!  The truth is, a professional shingle roofing installation with 30-year shingle and routine maintenance and upkeep is done, will give you up to 25 years of service. A 30 year roof that isn’t maintained and kept up, and has gone through different types of weather, you can expect 12 to 15 years at the most from your asphalt shingle roofing. 

If you’re in the market for a new roof, you may wonder which is the most durable in Tornado Alley, shingle roofing vs metal roofing? When comparing metal roofing to asphalt shingle roofing, you’ll up to 4 times longer lifespan from the metal roofing. If you don’t want to be replacing your roof again, go metal! Call 816-896-4195 today for your shingle roofing needs in Grain Valley and Kansas City, MO.

How long does single ply roofing last?

flat roofing system TPO

Flat roofing for commercial properties

Single ply roofing is the most common of all commercial building roofing materials. Why? Because single ply roofing has proven to be the best for flat or low sloped roofs when it comes to durability, long-lasting, water resistant, and weather resistant. Think of what the roof of your home goes through and apply that to a commercial building that is 10 times bigger. A strong roofing material is a must. 

Single-ply roofing is a category of pre-fabricated, compounded plastic-derived material, flexible sheets that cover flat and low-sloped buildings to provide protection against the elements. These single ply roofing membranes are factory manufactured and meet strict quality control. They can be installed and attached in different methods. 

Over the past thirty years, single-ply roofing has replaced older flat roofing materials like tar paper and has become commercial roofing contractors and commercial building owners preferred roofing material. When single ply roofing material is installed by a professional that knows how to install single ply roofing, you get an essential advantage with the high level of durability, flexibility, and strength over the traditional roofing materials. There three most used single ply roofing materials are: 

  • EPDM – Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer, the preferred choice for decades
  • PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride, popular and time tested, used for decades
  • TPO – Thermoplastic Polyolefin, considered the best single ply roofing membrane

A big concern for any commercial or industrial building owner is, “Is it OK to walk on flat roofs?”, and when it comes to single ply roofing material, that is an important fact in choosing the right material. So, can you walk on single ply roofing?

While single-ply roofing membranes are  popular for commercial structures,  and can withstand foot traffic, this flexible, lightweight materials are easily punctured if certain precautions aren’t followed. Whether it is the roofing crew or your maintenance crew because there isn’t a hard layer of protection, dropped tools, loose screws, even gravel can get pushed into the membrane and create holes, leaving the single ply roofing vulnerable for leaking. 

Prevention is the best solution for single ply roofing. The following tips will provide some puncture resistance: 

  • Keep tree limbs trimmed back.
  • Place protective mats in foot traffic areas.
  • Keep debris cleared off  the roof system.
  • Remove loose equipment not being used.
  • Install warning signs to keep area clean while working.

How do you fix a single ply membrane?

Accidents happen, even high up on a commercial structure with single ply roofing. So, when your roofing system gets punctured or a tear, is it repairable? Absolutely! A professional roofing contractor can quickly repair your single ply roofing in four steps:

  1. Clean the area surrounding the damage
  2. Apply a single ply roofing adhesive to prepare for bonding
  3. Cut a piece of like-roofing membrane two inches bigger than the damaged area
  4. With an adhesive or hot-air gun, bond the new piece to the surrounding membrane
black flat roof

What are the disadvantages of using a single ply roof membrane?

Single ply roofing membranes can be installed by being ballasted or chemically adhered to provide a commercial structure protection from the elements. The three main types we mentioned earlier, EPDM, PVC, and TPO all have benefits to offer, all have disadvantages too, there is not 100% perfect single ply roofing material.  The main single ply roofing pros and cons  are as follows: 

Pro: Proven Record

 EPDM single ply roofing has been around for more than sixty years and is still used today. There have been numerous laboratory tests and field studies performed with results tracked. TPO has a bigger share of the commercial market but is newer and doesn’t have a proven track record.  

Pro: Insulation Materials

Single-ply roofing doesn’t include insulation, allowing the customer to choose from a variety of options. Some of the insulation options available are: 

  • Polyisocyanurate – The most common used, although expensive, the high R-value gets that money back faster over time.  
  • Expanded Polystyrene – Per dollar, this insulation has the highest R-value and can be used in the roofing, flooring, and walls, and doesn’t retain water.
  • Extruded Polystyrene – A choice between EPS and Polyiso with pricing and performance, offering a semipermeable quality with a perm rating of one.

Pro: Reflective or Retentive Properties

TPO single ply roofing is known as the white roof, is rapidly growing in popularity is a highly reflective single ply roofing material. EPDM is the black roof and is a high-performance rubber compound that provides superb heat retention and weatherability, a great benefit for structure in cooler climates. 

Pro: Easy Installation

TPO Installation doesn’t have the complexities of  spray polyurethane foam roofing,  making it a relatively simple installation. Once the preparation of the existing substrate is completed, the insulation layers are installed by ballasting, adhesive, or mechanical fastening. Then a cover board is installed. EPDM single ply roofing is joined with seam tape and TPO single ply roofing is melted to the membrane with a hot-air gun. 

Pro: Flexible and Lightweight

Single ply roofing material has multiple layers, with a choice in thickness but remains to be flexible and lightweight.  This  allows the roofing contractor the ability to accommodate any uniqueness to a roof design and leaves it flexible for contracting and expanding of the structure. 

Con: Easily Punctured

While the flexibility and lightweight of  single ply roofing is pro, it is also a con because of the ease in being punctured or torn. There is no hard layer of protection from dropped tools, loose screws, or gravel getting pushed into the single ply roofing membrane, which allows it to be damage with holes and tears, leaving it vulnerable to leaking.

Con: Roofing Accessories

Most commercial flat roofing has accessories installed like the HVAC system, skylights, assorted venting, and more. These penetrations require the roofing contractor to approach the installation different by cutting the membrane in smaller sections instead of simply rolling the membrane out in one large piece. This can minimize the waterproofing around the penetrations and in the seams. 

Con: UV Rays

Flat roofing is exposed to UV rays directly shining on the surface which can quickly degrade the adhesive, leaving the seams vulnerable for leaks. A puncture or  tear will allow the UV rays directly to the adhesive layer, causing more damage and deterioration.

With this information, you can be better prepared to discuss the options for your commercial structure as to what type of single ply roofing is best. It is always best to get 2 to 3 written estimates and review the policies of warranty. Call 816-896-4195 today for your single ply roofing installation in Grain Valley and Kansas City, MO.

What is Storm Damage to a Roof?

storm damage to a roof

How do I know if my roof has storm damage?

While there isn’t an official declared area of ‘tornado alley’, ask any lifelong Missourian if the state of Missouri is in that area and they’ll tell you yes. Some of the folks you ask just might tell you, even show you the storm damage roofs they have experienced, and how they had to file an insurance claim. 

From wind damage to roof to hail damage roof, this state has had it share. Then there are new homeowners or those new to the area they aren’t sure what constitute the need to file a storm damage roof claim.  Those are the folks that this article is geared toward, but even the most experienced homeowner may learn something too – keep on reading! 

As a homeowner, your first task after a storm passes is to check your home from top to bottom, inside and out. Even if you don’t see any obvious signs inside like water dripping from the ceiling or down the wall, check the roof. 

We don’t recommend a homeowner climb up on the roof, but with binoculars, you can see if there is possible damage.  Any possible sign of a storm damage roof or other areas around your home, call a professional contractor. Damaging wind happens at 50mph or higher and will accompany severe thunderstorms. They are sometimes referred to as “straight line” and accused of being a tornado. The signs your roof sustained wind damage would be: 

  1. Missing roof shingles.
  2. Asphalt granule loss is apparent by “bald” shingles.
  3. Water penetration on the ceilings and walls inside your home.
  4. Loose debris around your house like lawn furniture, yard waste, etc. 

Hail will form inside strong thunderstorms when the temperature hits  32°F and lower, which is the same as when snow occurs. Hail stones are compacted ice that  can cause hailstorm damage roofs with stones measuring as small as 1 inch and larger. Signs of you have a hail damage roof includes:

  1. Damaged or Missing Shingles
  2. Broken or clogged gutters or downspouts.
  3. Ice Dams

Can heavy rain damage a roof?

Heavy rainstorms wear roofing shingles and other elements on the roof, like the chimney or vent pipes, down, weakening, even destroying them. The damage can result in lost shingles and water penetration under the shingles to the decking and underlayment. 

As the water penetrates the roof decking and underlayment, it can compromise your home’s structural integrity if not caught and repaired quickly. That excessive moisture will lead to mildew, mold, and rot, making the structure unhealthy and stability unsafe. If these issues aren’t addressed promptly, your insurance company could deny any storm damage roof claim or any other storm damage claims. 

A sloping roof has special challenges in protecting it from possible rain damage because water will collect and pool where the roof angles connect. A recommended solution beforehand is to have a professional roofer install waterproofing that will protect your roof from this moisture damage. 

Another recommended solution is keeping a regular routine of gutter cleaning around your home. Any visual indications of gutter runs coming loose, fasten them, and replace any gutter runs that have developed rust holes. These are things that can prevent possible roof damage and the insurance company may see as homeowner neglect and deny any storm damage roof claims.

Does insurance cover storm damage to roof?

The best and easiest way to know what your homeowner’s insurance coverage includes is to either review the policy yourself or contact your insurance agent.  Storm damage roof  coverage could be affected by the age of the roof, where you live, and other factors that will be specified in your policy. 

Storm damage roof coverage is included in most homeowner insurance policies if determined it was unpreventable like “acts of God”, fire, or vandalism. Hail, rain, and wind are covered by homeowner’s  insurance policies too but there could be determining factors that would have a storm damage roof claim denied. 

Does homeowners cover storm damage?

Certain storm damage roof causes are covered by homeowner’s insurance. This includes any hail, lighting, or wind damage.  What isn’t covered in most policies is damage caused by earthquakes and flood. These are exceptions and stipulations that are detailed in your homeowner’s insurance policy and the time to review that is before you have  storm damage roof or other damages cause by storms. 

How do storm damage insurance claims work?

If you have storm damage roof issues, have a professional roofing contractor inspect your roof and give you a written estimate. Ask them to take pictures while on the rooftop and take pictures of your own that you can do safely from the ground. 

Then call your insurance company and file the claim. An insurance adjuster will be assigned to your claim and schedule an appointment with you to inspect your roof and home.  Ask the roofing contractor to be there at the same time to assure the adjuster sees all the damage they found.  Remember, the roofing contractor is on your side. 

Once the adjuster has approved the claim, you’ll get a notice what they are offering minus the deductible you’re responsible for paying. If you approve the amount, they’ll cut you a check. If you don’t agree with the amount, then you have the right to dispute and hire an independent adjuster to review the claim and reinspect your storm damage roof and other damages. 

storm hitting roof

Why is my roof leaking when it rains?

What is the most common cause of roof leaks?

There can be any number of reasons a roof begins to leak or leaks every time it rains. A professional roofing inspection would be the best way to find out if any of the following common possibilities are the cause: 

  • Plumbing: Storm damage roof leaks aren’t the only possibility. Plumbing can cause roof leaks from the flashing, chimney, or vent pipe.
  • Chimneys: As we just mentioned, a chimney is often one of the most common cause of roof leaks. The rain could be coming through the chimney because the chimney cap or flue isn’t working correctly. It can also be the angle flashing around the chimney where it meets the roof. 
  • Skylights: A common source of roof leak other than storm damage roof leak are skylights. This can be from the skylights being damaged, installed wrong, or has simply gotten old and unreliable in weather conditions. 
  • Damaged or aging shingles: Asphalt roofing shingles age over time, dry out and no longer do the job they were installed to do – keeping your home dry and safe. When a hard rain comes, if the shingles are too old, the roof will leak. A storm damage roof claim may or may not be approved by your insurance company if the adjuster finds your roof is aged beyond reliability. 
  • Corroded Metal: The metal fasteners and flashing on a metal roof will corrode over time, becoming rusted or with the temperature they contract and expand, becoming loose. Once they become loose enough, they allow the roof to leak. 
  • Attic Condensation: When the attic doesn’t have sufficient ventilation, it will build up condensation and that moisture with hot air will collect in the attic and enough of it will begin leaking through the ceiling. 

You pay your homeowner’s insurance premiums for protection. It is your right to file a storm damage roof claim or any type of storm damage claim.  It is to your benefit to make sure you have an issue worthy of a claim though and that is where roofing contractors can help. Call 816-896-4195 today for storm damage repair in Grain Valley and Kansas City, MO.