4 Benefits to Energy Efficient Roofing

Energy Efficient RoofBuilding owners in Kansas City, MO know how hot the summers can be. But did you know that Americans shell out almost $40 million dollars per year on air conditioning? This is bad news for both your roof and your pockets. Commercial building owners spending a fortune on air conditioning should consider investing in energy efficient roofing. Keep your bills and temperature lower with one smart investment. Here are 4 benefits to energy efficient roofing:


AC Preservation

Energy Star rated roofs help building owners preserve air conditioning, and as a result, their energy bills. Certain roofs are known to reduce cooling demand by up to 15%. People inside will be more comfortable, and you will be spending less on energy bills.

Big Savings

The most attractive part of energy efficient roofs for many building owners, is their potential to save money. The specifics of how much money you will save can be determined through this Cool Roof Calculator which is offered by the Department of Energy. Calculate your potential savings to get a better idea of your next step.

Environmentally Friendly

Yes commercial building owners want to save money, but it doesn’t hurt to preserve the environment in the process. By decreasing power plant emissions, you are regulating the output of dangerous fossil fuels. An energy efficient roof can cut costs, and help the environment at the same time.

Heat Reflection

If a roof is tagged with an Energy Star rating, it can reflect harmful UV rays from your roof and significantly lower the surface temperature. This feature will keep your building cooler, but also expand the life span of your roof, by not subjecting it to constant heat damage. CallĀ 816-896-4195 to discuss Energy Efficient Roofing with our experts at United Roofing Services.