How To Clean Your Gutters This Fall

Gutter Repair

Cleaning Your Gutters Is A Fall Necessity!

With Fall briskly on its way, homeowners with trees are bracing for the inevitable piles of leaves to fill their yards. While everyone knows that piles of leaves in the yard can cause mold growth, as well as kill the grass, not everyone stops to think about their gutters! Leaves can choke and clog your gutters, which damages your gutter system, and puts your roof at risk. Today we will discuss the basic steps required to adequately clean and prepare your gutters this fall.

Step 1: Supplies

For this project, you will need the following items:

  • A Pair Of Gloves
  • A Ladder
  • A Hose
  • A Bucket (optional)
  • A Scoop (optional)

Step 2: Position Your Ladder

When you have all of your supplies together, you can set up your ladder in the appropriate space. It is better to use a ladder that stands on it’s own, rather than a ladder you need to lean against your roof, as you can rely on it to be more stable. However, if you do use a ladder that will lean up against your roof, make sure your ladder is completely stable. When you climb up the ladder, be sure to remember the rest of your supplies!

Step 3: Scoop Out The Leaves

Keep in mind that it is safer to clean the gutters from your ladder, not from your roof. Sitting on your roof can cause additional damage, as well as be very unsafe. Using the scoop, or your gloved hands, remove the leaves from your gutter. If you chose to use a bucket, put the leaves in the b bucket. If not, throw the leaves on the ground, but understand that gives you more work later on! Make sure to remove all signs of sticks and debris.

Step 4: Rinse The Gutters

Once you have removed all of the debris from your gutters, you should rinse them to keep them in good condition. Use the hose to flush out any residual dirt, dust or pollen.

If you need any additional help with gutter replacement or gutter repair in Kansas City, MO, give us a call today at United Roofing Services!